Jul 13, 2018

A Stormy Night with a Ghost Experience Essay

A ghastly experience is a memory which stays in your life forever. It’s a story worth telling and can also be the reason which changed your life and perspective forever.

Over centuries, there have been many cults and groups who believe in ghosts and some have also experienced the unfortunate event with their own eyes. Some experiences were terrifying while others were fatal.

A stormy night with a ghost experience Essay

My experience, on the other hand, was not only terrifying but also unique. It was a usual cold night of autumn when I decided to take a stroll in the dark alley and all that could keep me warm was the puff of smoke from cigars which was inhaled by the smokers in desperation and anxiety. There was something ominous about that night which made my toes tingle.

As I walked by, I couldn’t help but contemplate about the legends which were sung in my town, which spoke about the ghost who had a tragic end because he was rumoured to be engaged in witchcraft. It was believed that the ghost would ride on his broomstick and cast a green light on the entire town. Some people would die seeing that green light and some people would turn into ash when they would have an encounter with the ghost. For many years, a lot of people witnessed that incident, but it slowed down a few years ago and the ghost seemed to have disappeared. The ghost now only remained in the murals and in the oral tradition but the soothsayer prophesied that it would never be an end for the ‘emerald ghost’.

Suddenly I stumbled upon a rock and fell as soon as I got up the wind started blowing and in no time I was stuck in a storm. I clung to a branch for support but a faint smell filled my nose and all I could see was the green light before my eyes. In the distance, I could see a shadow figure and it was none other than the emerald ghost who grew closer and closer to me. Suddenly I felt a thump on my head before I closed my eyes. When I woke up the next morning in my bed, I learnt that a person had died while saving me. When I looked in the mirror, all I could see was the green light in my eyes, for now, I knew that the ghost had returned and it was rumoured to stay forever.

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