May 8, 2024

10 Unique College Application Essay Tips to Help You Stand Out

Table of Content:


    • Brief overview of the importance of college application essays.
    • Highlight the competitive nature of college admissions.
    • Introduce the purpose of the article: providing unique tips to enhance essays.
  1. Tip 1: Choose a Non-Traditional Topic
    • Explanation of why unconventional topics stand out.
    • Suggestions for brainstorming distinctive ideas.
  2. Tip 2: Start with a Captivating Hook
    • Emphasize the importance of a strong opening.
    • Provide examples of attention-grabbing first sentences.
  3. Tip 3: Be Authentic and Personal
    • Explain why genuine stories resonate better with admissions officers.
    • Suggest ways to write authentically without oversharing.
  4. Tip 4: Showcase Growth and Transformation
    • Discuss the value of illustrating personal development.
    • Examples of essays that effectively show growth.
  5. Tip 5: Avoid Clichés
    • List common clichés that students tend to use.
    • Provide advice on how to avoid predictable topics and phrases.
  6. Tip 6: Incorporate Specific Details
    • Explain how concrete details make essays more engaging.
    • Illustrate with examples of vivid storytelling.
  7. Tip 7: Find Your Unique Writing Style
    • Encourage experimenting with different writing styles.
    • Suggestions on identifying and refining one's voice.
  8. Tip 8: Edit and Revise Carefully
    • Stress the importance of editing for clarity and impact.
    • Tips for seeking feedback and proofreading strategies.
  9. Tip 9: Seek Multiple Opinions
  • Discuss the benefits of receiving feedback from peers, teachers, or counselors.
  • Outline the best ways to incorporate constructive criticism.
  1. Tip 10: Reflect on the College’s Values
  • Suggest aligning the essay with the institution's mission and values.
  • Tips for researching and integrating the college’s ethos.
  1. Conclusion
  • Recap the importance of standing out through a unique essay.
  • Reiterate how these tips can help in crafting an outstanding application.
  • End with a motivational note, encouraging students to start writing.


A student in a cozy, well-lit room surrounded by books and notes, focused on typing at a laptop with a coffee mug nearby. The room has inspirational p

Introduction :

College application essays have evolved into a vital component of the admissions process, often making the difference between an acceptance letter and a rejection. With colleges and universities receiving tens of thousands of applications each year, admissions officers have a challenging task of identifying those applicants who will not only succeed academically but also enrich their campus communities. The college essay serves as a window into an applicant's life, revealing their values, aspirations, and personality beyond the quantitative aspects like grades and test scores. It's the one place where students can tell their personal stories in their own voices.

Given the highly competitive nature of college admissions, a compelling and unique essay is more crucial than ever. Prestigious universities often have admission rates below 10%, and even schools with higher acceptance rates must sift through an increasing number of applications. Each applicant competes against other students with similar academic achievements, extracurricular involvements, and recommendation letters. In this sea of qualified candidates, the essay offers an opportunity to stand out by providing admissions officers a glimpse into the candidate’s individuality and potential contribution to campus culture.

In this article, you'll find 10 unique tips aimed at helping you craft a memorable college application essay that leaves a lasting impression on the admissions committee. From selecting a distinctive topic to perfecting your writing style, these suggestions are designed to guide you through the process of writing an essay that effectively captures your story, values, and vision, setting you apart in a competitive field. Let’s explore how to create an engaging, personal, and standout essay that aligns with your academic ambitions and resonates with the values of your target colleges.

Tip 1: Choose a Non-Traditional Topic

One of the quickest ways to grab the attention of admissions officers is by writing about an unexpected or unconventional topic. Unconventional topics stand out because they reveal unique aspects of a candidate’s personality, life experiences, or interests that go beyond standard themes. They signal creativity and an ability to think differently. It is highly valued in higher education. By exploring these lesser-known facets of your personality or life, you're providing a memorable snapshot that distinguishes you from other applicants.

Why Unconventional Topics Stand Out
Admissions officers read countless essays that revolve around common themes like winning a sports championship, volunteering at a local charity, or facing academic challenges. While these experiences are meaningful, they often lead to essays that blur together because they follow similar narrative arcs. An unconventional topic, however, catches the reader by surprise and draws them into a world they may not often see or consider. Whether it's a quirky hobby, an unusual family tradition, or a significant yet unconventional life lesson learned, writing about something outside the norm creates a distinctive narrative that resonates with the reader.

Suggestions for Brainstorming Distinctive Ideas

  1. Personal Interests and Hobbies
    • Think about hobbies or interests that others may not know you have, or those you think are unusual.
    • Consider what makes your passion for this hobby unique. For instance, maybe you collect rare vinyl records or have a deep love for bird-watching.
  2. Life Events and Experiences
    • Reflect on moments in your life that had a profound impact on you but aren’t commonly highlighted.
    • Did you have an unexpected mentor, travel experience, or encounter that shaped your worldview?
  3. Unconventional Challenges
    • Look back at personal challenges that don't fit into traditional categories like health or academics.
    • Have you overcome a social, cultural, or familial expectation in a way that differs from the norm?
  4. Cultural Backgrounds and Traditions
    • If you come from a unique cultural background, think about specific traditions or values that have shaped your perspective.
    • Is there a particular story or cultural element that has influenced your character?
  5. Unique Family Dynamics
    • Consider any unusual family dynamics or relationships that have significantly shaped your personality.
    • Maybe you have a sibling with whom you share an unconventional bond, or a grandparent who deeply influenced your view of the world.

By choosing a non-traditional topic, you ensure that your essay stands out in a crowded field of applicants. Dig deep into your experiences and focus on what makes you uniquely you. This approach will not only help you craft a compelling essay but will also give admissions officers a fresh perspective on what you can bring to their institution.

Tip 2: Start with a Captivating Hook

The opening lines of your essay are critical. They set the tone, establish intrigue, and draw the reader into your narrative. In a sea of applications, admissions officers may read hundreds of essays in a single day, so a strong opening becomes vital for capturing their attention. A compelling hook ensures your essay stands out from the start, making them eager to read more.

An effective hook might begin with a surprising statement, vivid description, or compelling anecdote that leads naturally into your main story. For example:

  • "I stood in front of the mirror, wearing a crimson costume that made me look like a tomato with a cape."
  • "When my grandmother passed away, she left me a recipe for the perfect samosa, along with her quiet determination to face any obstacle."
  • "The first time I coded my own video game, I was hooked—and within days, I’d spent more time in front of my screen than in my classes."

These examples immediately immerse the reader in a unique scene or sentiment, sparking curiosity. An engaging opening creates the foundation for a memorable essay, making sure your story remains with the reader long after they finish.


Tip 3: Be Authentic and Personal

Genuine stories resonate with admissions officers because they reveal the applicant’s true personality, values, and life experiences. Authenticity provides a relatable and memorable insight into who you are beyond your grades and test scores. To write authentically without oversharing, focus on meaningful experiences that shaped your perspective or character. Use vivid details and emotions to make your story come alive while maintaining boundaries on deeply private matters. Avoid exaggeration and instead let your natural voice shine through to convey an honest, compelling narrative that reflects your individuality.

Tip 4: Showcase Growth and Transformation

Demonstrating personal growth in your essay highlights your adaptability, resilience, and ability to learn from challenges—key traits valued by admissions officers. It shows that you're not just defined by your experiences but also by how you’ve evolved through them. For example, an essay that begins with the struggles of adjusting to a new country and ends with finding community through a student club showcases cultural adaptation and leadership growth. Or, a story that moves from stage fright to winning a school theater award reflects overcoming fear and developing confidence. These narratives emphasize a journey that speaks to your potential for continued growth.

Tip 5: Avoid Clichés

Using clichés can make your essay sound predictable, reducing its impact. Common clichés include phrases like "It was a life-changing experience" or "I learned not to judge a book by its cover." Predictable topics such as winning the big game, overcoming an injury, or acing an important exam are also overused.

To avoid clichés, focus on specific, personal details and unique experiences that reveal your individual perspective. Instead of broad statements, show your story through vivid examples and original descriptions. This approach helps convey your message in a fresh and engaging way that feels authentic.


Tip 6: Incorporate Specific Details 

Concrete details make essays engaging by bringing your story to life, offering the reader a clear picture of your experiences. Instead of stating "I volunteered at a shelter," you could describe "the aroma of simmering soup filling the kitchen as I chopped carrots for the evening meal." This vivid imagery immerses the reader in your world, making the scene memorable and relatable. For example, if you write about learning to play an instrument, mention the nervous excitement before a recital and the feel of cold keys under your fingers. These details create a more immersive and compelling narrative.

Tip 7: Find Your Unique Writing Style

Experimenting with different writing styles can help uncover your unique voice, making your essay stand out. Try writing with humor, emotion, or in a conversational tone to see what feels natural. Pay attention to how you naturally express yourself when speaking with friends or family, and apply that to your writing. Read essays from various authors to understand different styles, then refine your voice by practicing frequently. Over time, you'll develop a consistent and authentic style that genuinely reflects your personality and engages readers with its originality and depth.

Tip 8: Edit and Revise Carefully 


Editing is crucial for clarity and impact. A clear, concise essay ensures your message is easily understood and leaves a strong impression. Start by reading your draft aloud to catch awkward phrasing or unclear ideas. Seek feedback from a teacher, counselor, or friend to gain a fresh perspective. Incorporate constructive criticism and refine your work. For proofreading, use spell checkers and read the essay backward to spot typos. Taking breaks between revisions allows you to return with a clearer mind, making it easier to identify areas for improvement.

Tip 9: Seek Multiple Opinions

Getting feedback from peers, teachers, or counselors offers valuable perspectives on your essay. Peers can identify unclear ideas or awkward phrasing, while teachers and counselors bring their experience to highlight areas for improvement. By considering multiple viewpoints, you can refine your essay’s message, tone, and structure.


Incorporate constructive criticism by focusing on recurring suggestions and making revisions step by step. If someone suggests reworking an introduction or strengthening an argument, try different approaches and read them aloud. Ultimately, balance outside input with your unique voice to ensure the essay remains authentically yours.

Tip 10: Reflect on the College’s Values 


Aligning your essay with the college's mission and values shows that you're genuinely interested in the institution and its community. Review the school's website and mission statement to understand its priorities, such as diversity, innovation, or community service.


Integrate these themes by emphasizing aspects of your background, goals, or experiences that align with the college's ethos. If the school values sustainability, mention your volunteer work at a local recycling center or your interest in environmental studies. Showing that your aspirations resonate with the school's vision helps convince admissions officers that you'll be a valuable addition to their community.



A unique essay plays a critical role in helping you stand out among thousands of applicants. By choosing an unconventional topic, incorporating specific details, and aligning your narrative with the college’s values, you can create an authentic, engaging essay that resonates with admissions officers. These tips offer practical guidance for brainstorming, editing, and refining your work to craft an application that highlights your individuality and potential.

Ultimately, writing a compelling college application essay is an opportunity to showcase your strengths and personality. Approach the process with confidence, knowing that your story is worth sharing. Start writing today, and don't be afraid to revise along the way. Your unique perspective is what will set you apart and make your application truly memorable.

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