Mar 30, 2014

My Ideal Teacher Essay for std or Class 4

(174 Words) Shri  T. K. Roy is an ideal teacher.  He is smart and energetic. He is very punctual and regular in his duty.  He believes in simple living and high thinking.  He wears a Dhoti and a Kurta and puts on a Gandhi cap.  He is always gentle and polite in his behaviour with the students and his colleagues.  He always reads in his leisure.  He is regarded to be the most learned teacher.  At any moment he can speak on any topic because he has very good presence of mind.  He always speaks in an impressive and interesting manner.  Though polite and humble,  he is a  strong disciplinarian.  He can never allow a mischievous act go unnoticed.  He does not believe in the discipline of the stick.  He has won his students by love and affection.  His teaching is both interesting and effective.  His expression and diction is very clear.  He presents even the most difficult topics in the simplest manner.  He is respected by his students and honoured by the people at large.
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