May 6, 2021

Essay on Labour Day for Students and Children For Class 6 to 10

Labour Day:

In India Labour Day or May Day was begun to well known first in Chennai on May 1, 1923. The Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan initiated this. The leader of the celebration, Comrade Singaravelar organized 2 conferences to celebrate this event.

How May Day Started in India:

In Chennai on May 1st, he organized the meeting at Madhu Menon Temple and in Chennai on May 2nd the same year the party celebrated the festival at the temple again. Since then it has been celebrated in Tamil Nadu and Kerala on May Day. Since this time is an important day for the labour unions and the labour movement, some workers started the festival with an ideological background. This day is also a holiday to celebrate their achievements and the birthdays. The labour unions have decided to start this day with activities. As this is a working day in their organisation, some groups of workers started with activities like distribution of gifts, cake, balloons etc.

Essay on Labour Day for Students and Children For Class 6 to 10

Labour Unions are the first ones to commemorate labour days. The general population celebrate birthdays and labour day. They always celebrate some religious festivals like Christmas, Easter and Valentine's Day.

Other County's important Days in May:

In England, there is also an important day that they celebrate in their Mother's day, on the 21st of May is a day of celebrating special people. In France, there is no official holiday that they celebrate, there is no need to pay tribute to this day. In Spain, on this day, they observe the "La Gran Feria" or the "Great Day" like in North America.

How Labour Day Celebrated:

Labour unions organize their festivals and many other activities. Workers go all out in their efforts to show appreciation for their workers. They make a strong effort to recognize their efforts and their work. In India, the workers are more conscious about their workers and always send flowers, cakes, sweets, greeting cards and other things on this day. It is an important day to make the workers happy. So, in order to celebrate the working day, the workers try to give back to the workers. They also buy presents for their employees. It is the best gift they can give. It is a great way to show their appreciation for the hard work they do. This day is celebrated by the workers to express their appreciation.

Responsibility of Pleasant Workplace is Important:

Let us continue to be responsible and know what we are doing. We should always be concerned about the working environment and we should not forget the responsibility we have to the work we do. It is up to us to make our workplace a pleasant place to work. So, don't forget to be responsible!

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History of Labour Laws

It took away the power of a worker to stand up, demand better conditions, or even to demand a fair share of the profit.

Farmers were innocent:

Workers didn't know what to do and because they were farmers they had to do the work of the industrialists. This worked until one day they started to realize they were the ones who had to pay for these big factories. There were lots of protests and strikes and workers tried to fight back. The strike only ended when the great unions were organized and workers fought to defend their rights.

Industrialists fought back with the new law:

The Industrialists fought back with new laws and they had a lot of workers locked up. On the other hand the labor unions had many locked up. They just locked them up. They didn't stop the attacks. But they made it clear that unless something was done, there would be massive unemployment. That was the start of the era of Labour Laws.

They were passed just to lock workers up. They didn't stop it. And they were not the best way to deal with it.

Workers failed to fight back:

Labour Laws were passed and the workers couldn't fight back because they were all locked up. They didn't have a voice in legislature. Labor unions were not strong then. Many had been organized in the early 1900s by big business.

Advantage of Industrialist:

That meant that a big industrialist was able to hire the best union organizers and get away with things that they wouldn't be able to get away with now.

How Workers Took Action:

They can not hire the best union organizers. All the workers would have to be organized all at once. There would be no one to stop them.

Labour unions were organized. The laws that were passed were passed before they were strong enough to fight back. In the early 1900s laws were passed before workers had been organized. They were able to make a lot of laws to make things easier for the industrialists. There was no unionism then.

These laws were passed in the early 1900s were designed for the industrialists. The laws were written before unions were strong enough to fight back. It's not fair. It's not right. There was no unionism back then.

How do we make changes? How do we get rid of Labour Laws? How do we make a society for the majority?

We could start out at the top of the ladder. There are more than enough people who have been locked up. Why not go to the top of the ladder and make a society for the working class. Everyone would be locked up, no one would be able to get away with things. Everyone would be able to fight back. How do we make this happen? There is no way that it can't.

How to stop passing the Law:

So stop passing these laws and work on changing the society to have a world of equality and justice. The working class can have a society for them, not one where everyone is in chains. There is no other choice. We can't leave it up to some who are unable to see the future. We need to begin on the top of the ladder now. Take this to the top of the ladder, the working class. Everyone locked up and no one able to fight back. The working class can have a society for them. It's an impossible scenario.

Justice and Equality:

If we were able to work on changing society in the early 1900s the majority of humanity could have a world of equality and justice. This is not impossible. We have come so far in 50 years. All that is required is a group of people capable of seeing the future.

A Group of people capable of fighting back.

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