Jul 5, 2011

Essay on 'Childhood' For Class 5 (589 words) | 'My Childhood' Essay

                                 By Azra Ahmad: Total- 589 Words
Essay Introduction
Ah! When I was a child the world seemed to be a place of joy and happiness to me. There was nothing worth worrying about. Whenever I cried somebody picked me up. When I did not like to sit alone, I was always in somebody’s arm. I was not born in a rich family. So my mother always looked-after me. I was not kept under the care of a hired nurse.

My School, My Friends and Teachers:
When I was six years old I was sent to a small but nice school. Soon I made friends with tow or three boys. Even now I clearly remember faces of my school friends and teachers.

When I was young I did not like my school teacher because sometimes he used to beat me. It is good that the system of beating (punishment) is abolished now. We had to go to school early in the morning. In the beginning like most boys, I was unwilling to get up early in the morning and go to school. But as I grow interested in my studies I enjoyed going to school.

My Mischief, Excursion and late coming:
In the afternoon, we played all sorts of games and pranks in the street. I was very mischievous when I was young. When I saw a man passing on the way, sometimes I would pull down his turban and run away. Sometimes when I found a bullock cat waiting on the way and the cartman gone away for a while on business, I would ride the cart and drive the bullocks to some distance and disappear. On his return, the cartman was puzzled when he did not find his cart. But this made us roar with laughter. The cartman would run after us but we would disappear through small lanes.

When I was ten years old, I had gone with some boys to a neighboring village on pool. I did not inform my parents. We could not return till it was very dark. My parents were very anxious. They searched for me everywhere, but I could not be found. At last, when they saw me coming back late at night, my father jumped at me. He held me firmly by my arm. When he was about to beat me, my mother came forward to save me. I was let off with a strong scolding. A father, though gentle is often strict, but a mother is always tender to her children. My mother always saved me from the anger of my father. Thus I liked my mother more than I liked my father.

The Beginning of worries and anxieties:
As I grew in age, worries about my studies and small worldly matters came upon me. By now I have been in a higher secondary school. I would prepare myself for the higher secondary examination. As a young boy of fifteen I was expected to help my father in the work of shopping and in buying vegetables in the morning.

Childhood is free from cares. There are no duties and responsibilities on the shoulders of a child. A child eats drinks, sleeps and plays. When he eats a piece of bread, he does not think from where it comes. His father alone knows that. Even when someone dies in the family, a child is not touched. As child lives in a bliss of ignorance and innocence. Really as Wordsworth says: “Heaven lies about us in our fancy”. The memory of those good days makes me happy.

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