May 25, 2021

Tips for How to write essay on Pollution Control Board

How to Curb the Pollution:

The writer is an ardent environmentalist. He feels that pollution and the problems it raises can not be tackled by the use of political power alone. To curb pollution, action by the political authority must be taken. To curb pollution, a group of passionate activists must be made.

How a board make a task force to tackle the pollution:

Tips for How to write essay on  Pollution Control Board

Writing an essay on West Bengal Pollution Control Board is very easy. You must pick a problem of pollution that is alarming today, from the list provided by the Board. You must choose which group of people from the group of environmentalists. He should be asked to tackle that problem. If the problem of pollution can be tackled by mere individuals, who are doing activities for the welfare of nature then he is chosen to take the responisibility.

The Essay focus is to be as per the case of Pollution:

Similarly, You must pick a problem of pollution. He must choose which group of individuals from the environmentalists should be asked to tackle that problem. If the problem of pollution is about industrial effluent, you must pick those who are conducting awareness campaigns.  You must pick those who are organizing walk-a-rounds or drive through, those who are organizing clean-up drives. Those who are organizing seminars, courses, lectures or conferences on pollution or problems of pollution.

How to Pick the professional based on the nature of Pollution:

You may pick different individuals from different environmentalist groups. If the activities of these individuals are going to benefit nature, the environmentalists or the environment in general. For example, you may pick a pollution control officer, an engineer or a chemist to carry out effluent control duties instead of a politician or a legislator. You may pick an environmentalist or an environmentalist-socialist, a farmer or a polluter or a simple peasant to take the lead for the improvement of the countryside.

Whether the content is about a program on Pollution:

Likewise, if the you are organizing a course on pollution, the writer may pick an amateur or a college student. He may also pick a college instructor to help organize the course. The amateur or the college student or the college instructor must be picked. It is because they have experience in handling different types of media, they have basic knowledge about pollution, they have experience in carrying out remedial courses on pollution in residential areas, commercial areas, public buildings or the military.

You may organize seminars, conferences, education courses, or courses on clean-up of industrial or municipal wastes or municipal or industrial effluents. And so on.

Use of media for controlling Pollution:

There are people who are going to use media other than political, economic, religious, or social means to solve the problems of pollution. There are those who support the ideals of global warming, if not the theory of global warming then at least the use of peaceful means to solve the pollution problems. The only thing that such folks should not do is to use any means that would bring humiliation or harm to other human beings. It is just shameful if somebody makes a program of violent protest against pollution in order to serve or support the ideas of global warming.

You are not anti-human. You are only supposed to clean-up the pollution.

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