Aug 9, 2021

Essay: How Gratitude Can Help You Be More Happy at emotional moment

Erson has a sense of humor, the entire family benefits.

Emotional Strike:

When you're the recipient of an emotional strike of this nature, don't let it shatter your happiness. Even if you're experiencing one of those 'down' times, resist trying to wipe the slate clean with an act of will. Instead, think of the things you've learned in the moment. Choose to live with those truths for the rest of your life. The gifts of the moment can't be replaced, anyway, so the effort of trying to replace them with more is a futile one.

Live with the knowledge that you've learned something important:

Essay: How Gratitude Can Help You Be More Happy at emotional moment

Instead, let the emotions of the moment move you into something larger, something more beautiful than you'd ever imagined possible. When your sense of humor is dampened by anger or sadness, remember the gifts of the moments that brought them into this world. When your day is rocked by a revelation, recall the gifts of the revelation. Live with the knowledge that you've learned something important.

When your day feels like a landslide, remind yourself that you gained something from the situation that gave you the opportunity to respond in the way that best suited your desires. After that respond in the way that becomes your new routine.

When you're dealing with an emotion of the moment, don't be quick to try to wipe it clean with an act of will. This is a necessary effort, and the attempt is usually futile. Live with the revelation as a sacred present, and work toward making your future manifest. The gifts of the moment are irreplaceable, and the way you use them is irreplaceable, anyway. When you realize that the present offers a precious opportunity to look around and be aware, rather than attempt to cleanse it away, you can open up to a wider world of possibilities.

right movement is an opportunity to enjoy
If you have the capacity to enjoy the present, don't waste it. Use it, don't squander it. Be grateful that it's here. And be willing to change your behavior, so that the present can become the present.

When you realize all this, you can be grateful for what you've got, and realize that it's about time you opened up to this broader world. When you have this capacity to feel thankful for the present, you have access to a much wider range of emotions, which become the raw materials for your new patterns of behavior, so you can learn to feel thankful for this very real gift of the moment, instead of about what you don't have. It's as if you have more raw material to work with, and the amount that you can work with goes up as you practice the practice of gratitude.

This journey is a lifelong one, because it is a journey of living in the moment, rather than focusing on the past or the future. If you don't learn to live in the moment, it will be all too common to dwell on the past or future, and to focus on them, rather than on what is happening right now. And when you do this, you miss out on life, and miss out on the most important gifts of the moment. The gifts of the moment are the present, and they are irreplaceable.

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